Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I really love fresh lemons in my water. More and more restaurants are doing away with freshly cut lemons and replacing them with packets of lemon juice concentrate.

It is not the same!

It does not taste the same!

I want my lemons back!

Monday, April 25, 2011


I usually don' t blog about religion... but,

I am so happy that I belong to a church that focuses on the Resurrection rather than the death of Jesus Christ. Yesterday was wonderful!

The end.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tomorrow is

Earth Day!!!!

My friends and family tease me about my dedication to recycling, but I think I can handle that. :) Take care of our earth, it's the only one we have.

Happy Earth Day!

And have a great Good Friday! :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Happy 4:20!

Today is April 20th, better know as 4:20 in stoner land. Although I don't celebrate this holiday (I'm drug free!) I have a lot of friends that do so

Happy 4:20!

Anyway, today has been a FANTABULOUS day at work! Two students that have been trying to pass the GED test for years finally got enough points today! Yay! Not only did they both pass, but they also scored higher on today's test than they have on any other test!

Maybe they did a little celebrating before they took their tests this morning...

You know...

I'm kidding but I couldn't pass that one up. I am really happy for our new graduates though!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Random Rant

 Listening to the news this morning upset me so I have to get this off of my chest. I was looking for a picture to post along with my rant, but that further pissed me off.

I do not understand why racists connect black to monkeys. I have yet to see a monkey with nappy hair.

The end.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

You really need to follow this chick!

Okay, so I entered a contest on her blog that will take place AFTER she gets 1000 followers and I am so ready to win! If you are a curvy and stylish girl, she is full of fashion tips and inspiration so you, like, um, really need to follow her blog. PLUS, she is from Brunswick! So follow her blog already, ok?


P.S. Follow this blog.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Alone... and not so alone

The 3rd day of loneliness.

My husband is gone for the entire week on business AND my coworker to a vacation this week. Not only am I alone at home, but I am alone in the office as well. Ugh.

My husband did, however, teach me who to load, unload, and shoot a rifle before he left. *evil laugh*

Well, I am not really alone at home because, apparently, a SUPER RAT has decided to keep me company this week.

My Super Rat

I haven't slept well all week because when hubz is away I sleep very lightly. On top of that SuperRat is ravaging my home! Night One: I put down one box of rat poison and the rat ate it... and didn't die. Night Two: I put down two boxes of rat poison, the next morning BOTH boxes were missing. Not empty, missing, as in GONE. Also, a jar of peanut butter is missing. The whole jar. But SuperRat did leave the wrapper in the middle of my kitchen floor... I guess he is tauting me. Night Three: A whole shelf of spices were on the floor. I guess SuperRat is upset with me because I didn't buy him anymore poison, because he climbed onto my spice cabinet and threw my spices on the floor one by one. Ugh.

I think SuperRat is about to win, because I am seriously thinking about moving out until my husband comes home.

Or maybe I could play target practice with SuperRat...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Officially Irked

There is someone that works with me that tries to finish everyone's sentences when they are talking. For example, if I say, "I think we should have a meeting," my co-worker will say "meeting" at the exact same time that I do. I thought it was funny at first, but I am becoming more annoyed by this daily.

I digress.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I LOVE My Hair

I absolutely adore this video. I didn't have any black hair role models when I was young. I actually cried a little when I first saw this video. Enjoy!

On another note, I ran into one of my mom's long time friends yesterday. This woman knew me since I was a preteen. Guess what she said to me...

"Oh my gosh, you cut off all that pretty hair. Now it's nappy! Why would you do that!?!"

"I like my naps."

"But it's all knotty. I bet its hard to comb."

"Actually its not as bad as you think. I have learned a lot about how to take care of my hair, including how to comb it."

"Whooo! I could not walk around with my head that way! Sherry (my mom) what you think? (my mom just shakes her head... she doesn't like my "naps" either) "Well, you can get away with it becaue you have the face for it."

"That's exactly why I cut my hair. I think every woman should be able to rock the hair God blessed her with and not be ashamed. Because the WHITE man says straight hair is pretty, I am supposed to think so? I think not! As a matter of fact, White people compliment my hair, the only people that object to it are Black."

"Well you know why I keep a perm in my hair? Because I don't want it NAPPY!"

Shoot me NOW!


If you don't know how much I loathe this conversation, read this.