My hair is growing fast so I must enjoy my sassy short cut for as long as I can!
On another note, we lost a family friend this past week. I will really miss Sister Copeland. She is one of the few genuinely good people that I have ever had the pleasure of getting to know. I know that my husband and his family had a special place in her heart and I am so thankful for her. The very first time I went to the LDS church with my husband (he was still a boyfriend then), he grabbed my hand until we found the Copelands and introduced me to them. I knew I was special then if he found it neccessary to introduce me whoever these people were. Little did I know, that this couple would become a part of my life, and have me looking forward to their monthly visits to deliver the Visiting Teaching Lesson of the month. She used to always hug me and tell me how glad she was that the Hubz found someone like me that brought him back to church. Little did she know, that on Sunday mornings it is he that wakes me up and delivers the guilt trip if I don't comply right away. She also used to tell me how on every Sunday morning, she would call him to wake him up and tell him to get his behind to church! For that reason, I kinda like to give her credit for my own journey to seek Salvation. I attended her funeral today and I still don't believe she is gone. A part of me still believes that I will get to hug her again on Sunday, and then have my Sunday nap cut short so that we can visit with the Copelands. It's really the little things. I am literally in tears because I can't imagine not being able to sit down as a family and receive an afternoon Word from them.
Okay, now that I have pulled myself together, I know that she is finally free of the ails of the World. She is back home waiting on Bro. Copeland to join her. Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to know that love is eternal! I look at the Copelands and other
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